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Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
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Крысенкова Н.Б. Информационные технологии в избирательном процессе Индии

Аннотация: Настоящая статья посвящена особенностям применения информационных технологий в избирательном процессе республики Индия. В современном мире использование информационных технологий в различных сферах жизни общества является нормой, однако, на выборах они только начинают активно применяться как в зарубежных государствах, так и в Российской Федерации. Среди таких технологий широко распространена онлайн-регистрация избирателей, информирование избирателей о ходе голосования, расположении избирательных участков и иной информации, имеющей отношение к избирательному процессу, видео-трансляция голосования и подведения итогов выборов и другие. Индия среди таких государств не является исключением. Автором в статье рассмотрены различные технологии, характерные как для проведения голосования, так и для подготовки и организации выборов, такие как, применение автоматизированных избирательных систем, использование которых началось еще в конце XX века, использование смс-сервисов для информирования избирателей о местах расположения избирательных участков, ходе голосования и предоставления иной информации о выборах, онлайн-регистрация избирателей на сайте Избирательной комиссии Индии. Также автором рассмотрены органы и организации, ответственные за развитие информационных технологий с целью их применения в избирательном процессе.

Ключевые слова:

информационные технологии, Индия, выборы, голосование, автоматизированные избирательные системы, интернет-голосование, избирательный процесс, информирование избирателей, развитие, правовое обеспечение и органы, ответственные за внедрение информационных технологий.

Abstract: The article is devoted to features of information technologies usage in Indian electoral process. Information technologies are often used in different spheres of social life, but its implementation in elections just begins in foreign countries and in the Russian Federation. The online registration of voters, voter’s information on voting process, location of polling stations and other electoral information, video streaming of voting process and vote counting are the most popular in foreign countries. India is not excluded from the list of such countries. The author presents the analysis of different technologies which are used in the voting process and in the process of organization of elections in India, such as: electronic voting machines, which was applied in elections in the end of XX century in the first time, voters’ informing on location of polling station, voting process and other electoral information through the cell phones, online registration of voters through the Election Commission of India website. The author also examines the authorities and organizations responsible for implementation and working out of information technologies for elections.


information technologies, India, elections, voting, electronic voting machines, internet voting, electoral process, voters’ informing.

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6. Meenakshisundram S.S. Decentralization in Developing Countries. Delhi: Concept Publishing 1994. P. 58.
7. Noorani A.G. Constitutional questions in India: The President, Parliament and the states. Oxford univ. press, 2001.
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9. Patidar, Vijay. India: First Past the Post on a Grand Scale. Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook. Stockholm, 2008.
10. Patel, Sardar. Sardar Patel in Tune With the Millions. Vol. 3, Ahmedabad, 1976.
11. Prasad R. N. The Seventy-fourth Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992 and Urban Local Government Perspectives in Mizoram // Urban Local Self-Government in India: With Reference to North-Eastern States / Prasad R. N. New Delhi: Mittal Pub., 2006.
12. Singer Wendi. A constituency suitable for ladies: and other social histories of Indian elections / Oxford; New Delhi: Oxford univ. Press, 2007.
13. Singh S.S. Legislative Status of Panchayati Raj in India. New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration, 1997.
14. Sivaramakrishnan K.C. Courts, Panchayats and Nagarpalikas. Background and Review of Case Law. New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2009
15. Sivaramakrishnan K. C. Democracy in Urban India [Electronic resource] // Urban Age : [site]. URL: 10_cities/07_mumbai/_essays/india_Sivaramakrishnan.html (дата обращения: 24.08.2011).
16. The Constitution of India, 1949 //
17. The Constitution (Seventy-Forth Amendment) Act, 1992 //
18. The Representation of the People Act, 1950// OF%20THE%20PEOPLE%20ACT,%201950.pdf
19. The Representation of the People Act, 1951// of%20the%20people%20act,%201951.pdf
20. The Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961// election%20rules,%201961.pdf
21. The President and Vice-President Elections Act, 1952// Presidential_and_Vice-Presidential_Elections_Act-1952.pdf
22. The Delimitation Act, 2002//,%202002.pdf
23. Indian Penal Code, 1860//
24. The Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955//
1. Farrell, David M. Electoral systems: A comparative introd. / David M. Farrell. Basingstoke (Hants.) New York: Palgrave, 2001
2. India: The Challenge of Urban Governance. – New Delhi: National Institute of Public Finance and Policy in collaboration with Centre for Urban and Community Studies, 1999. – 290 p.
3. Kumar, Sanjay. Delimitation of Constituencies. The Hindu. September 17, 2001.
4. Manual of Election Laws. Vol. I //
5. Manual of Election Laws. Vol. I //
6. Meenakshisundram S.S. Decentralization in Developing Countries. Delhi: Concept Publishing 1994. P. 58.
7. Noorani A.G. Constitutional questions in India: The President, Parliament and the states. Oxford univ. press, 2001.
8. Parthasarathi P.V. The Madras Panchayats Act, 1958, act XXXV of 1958. Comibatore: R. Thirurenkataswary, Comibatore Book Agency, 1996.
9. Patidar, Vijay. India: First Past the Post on a Grand Scale. Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook. Stockholm, 2008.
10. Patel, Sardar. Sardar Patel in Tune With the Millions. Vol. 3, Ahmedabad, 1976.
11. Prasad R. N. The Seventy-fourth Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992 and Urban Local Government Perspectives in Mizoram // Urban Local Self-Government in India: With Reference to North-Eastern States / Prasad R. N. New Delhi: Mittal Pub., 2006.
12. Singer Wendi. A constituency suitable for ladies: and other social histories of Indian elections / Oxford; New Delhi: Oxford univ. Press, 2007.
13. Singh S.S. Legislative Status of Panchayati Raj in India. New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration, 1997.
14. Sivaramakrishnan K.C. Courts, Panchayats and Nagarpalikas. Background and Review of Case Law. New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2009
15. Sivaramakrishnan K. C. Democracy in Urban India [Electronic resource] // Urban Age : [site]. URL: 10_cities/07_mumbai/_essays/india_Sivaramakrishnan.html (data obrashcheniya: 24.08.2011).
16. The Constitution of India, 1949 //
17. The Constitution (Seventy-Forth Amendment) Act, 1992 //
18. The Representation of the People Act, 1950// OF%20THE%20PEOPLE%20ACT,%201950.pdf
19. The Representation of the People Act, 1951// of%20the%20people%20act,%201951.pdf
20. The Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961// election%20rules,%201961.pdf
21. The President and Vice-President Elections Act, 1952// Presidential_and_Vice-Presidential_Elections_Act-1952.pdf
22. The Delimitation Act, 2002//,%202002.pdf
23. Indian Penal Code, 1860//
24. The Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955//